Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sleigh Bells Ring... Are You Listenin'?
I've heard the first whispers of the holiday season approaching-- small, discrete retail displays, or the odd reference to holiday plans around the water cooler. In my mind, I've been able to put off dealing with the looming logistics of Christmas, at least until today.
On my way home up I-5, I saw some town's Christmas tree trucking southbound. Today, I submitted a story for a local publication about Christmas activities in downtown Redding.
Kinda hard to remain in denial about the impending season when people are talking about tens of thousands of Christmas lights and the number of entries in the Christmas parade.
On my way home up I-5, I saw some town's Christmas tree trucking southbound. Today, I submitted a story for a local publication about Christmas activities in downtown Redding.
Kinda hard to remain in denial about the impending season when people are talking about tens of thousands of Christmas lights and the number of entries in the Christmas parade.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Today's Point of Light...
It has been a wearying week.
I've apparently produced much confirmation for certain teenagers, that I am in fact their village's idiot. It seems that in my effort to hold firm to my maternal ground, I have worn myself into a rut. Oy. Is it fair to abandon my secret count of days until the darlings are unleashed on the world, in all their complete wisdom and glory, in favor of counting the days until I get to completely spoil the dickens out of THEIR children???? At least pondering the idea helps me keep my sense of humor on that count.
It's also been a rocky week at work. See for yourselves here, where a city council member has 'suggested' that our city manager position be eliminated. Nevermind that the current city manager has taken this city from a near-deficit budget to one with a healthy reserve. Also keeping people scurrying has been the little "oops" over at the vineyards where a cart before the horse vision brought about houses before the water. This was all set into motion before I arrived at city hall, but it's sure got people hoppin' now.
My retirement fund is somewhere down here with me in this newfound rut. Guess the upside to that is that it's a good thing that I'm at least 20+ years from retiring. Yeah.
My brother was in and out of the hospital again yesterday. It is excruciating to watch him struggle with the severity of his injuries. He wants so badly to be well. So much so, that he tried eating on Saturday. Solid food. Like cheeseburger solid. He's back on liquids now.
I am haunted by the fact that there is someone on the loose who would do such harm to another human being, especially one I love so much. It makes me think about the many violent and grizzly things that have happened this year-- the beating and death of Travis Lee Smith, the suicide of Victoria Sherman-- Shasta County inmate, the several teenagers who have been severely beaten without provocation at Lake Redding/Caldwell park, the double-murder-suicide of Kenneth Allred, Patricia Haggard and Nancy Bosley, all to name a few.
These incidences are NOT OKAY. Not by a longshot. We need to change some things in our community, maybe even change things about ourselves.
The quiet, bright, beautiful thing I've seen occurring over the past two weeks is this small steady stream of people wandering into city hall inquiring about voter registration. People are excited about the opportunity before us this election season. Change is in the air, and people are ready to do something about it. We may not all be able to do big things to make this a better place, but few would argue that we can all do some small thing to bring on the light.
Monday, October 20th is the last day to register to vote in California's general election on November 4th. Voter registration cards can be found at most post offices, the DMV, and the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters, located in the south end of the Downtown Mall in Redding.
It's one small thing. And it's one big deal. It's your voice. It's your choice.
I've apparently produced much confirmation for certain teenagers, that I am in fact their village's idiot. It seems that in my effort to hold firm to my maternal ground, I have worn myself into a rut. Oy. Is it fair to abandon my secret count of days until the darlings are unleashed on the world, in all their complete wisdom and glory, in favor of counting the days until I get to completely spoil the dickens out of THEIR children???? At least pondering the idea helps me keep my sense of humor on that count.
It's also been a rocky week at work. See for yourselves here, where a city council member has 'suggested' that our city manager position be eliminated. Nevermind that the current city manager has taken this city from a near-deficit budget to one with a healthy reserve. Also keeping people scurrying has been the little "oops" over at the vineyards where a cart before the horse vision brought about houses before the water. This was all set into motion before I arrived at city hall, but it's sure got people hoppin' now.
My retirement fund is somewhere down here with me in this newfound rut. Guess the upside to that is that it's a good thing that I'm at least 20+ years from retiring. Yeah.
My brother was in and out of the hospital again yesterday. It is excruciating to watch him struggle with the severity of his injuries. He wants so badly to be well. So much so, that he tried eating on Saturday. Solid food. Like cheeseburger solid. He's back on liquids now.
I am haunted by the fact that there is someone on the loose who would do such harm to another human being, especially one I love so much. It makes me think about the many violent and grizzly things that have happened this year-- the beating and death of Travis Lee Smith, the suicide of Victoria Sherman-- Shasta County inmate, the several teenagers who have been severely beaten without provocation at Lake Redding/Caldwell park, the double-murder-suicide of Kenneth Allred, Patricia Haggard and Nancy Bosley, all to name a few.
These incidences are NOT OKAY. Not by a longshot. We need to change some things in our community, maybe even change things about ourselves.
The quiet, bright, beautiful thing I've seen occurring over the past two weeks is this small steady stream of people wandering into city hall inquiring about voter registration. People are excited about the opportunity before us this election season. Change is in the air, and people are ready to do something about it. We may not all be able to do big things to make this a better place, but few would argue that we can all do some small thing to bring on the light.
Monday, October 20th is the last day to register to vote in California's general election on November 4th. Voter registration cards can be found at most post offices, the DMV, and the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters, located in the south end of the Downtown Mall in Redding.
It's one small thing. And it's one big deal. It's your voice. It's your choice.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ahoy Peggy!
Jon, Katy and Jesse were treated to an evening of great entertainment, food, auction, and even dancing lessons.
Peggy is a role model for all of us. She is 86 years old. She's been retired from the world of work for some 25 years, but by no means has she slowed down. She sings with the Adelines, she works out at the YMCA 2-3 times a week, she attends classes at Modesto Institute for Continued Learning, she edits a newsletter, she is active in her church, and she can be seen donning the infamous red hat for outings with friends.
She writes. Tales of friends, family, personal insights, and some of the great many other things that 86 years of living confers.
She bakes. I'm less than half her age, and I can't remember the last time I pulled a baking sheet out of the cupboard. Almost every time I go to Modesto, Peggy's cookie jar is full of these really awesome oatmeal-rice crispie cookies. And there's always a few extra for the trip home.
She travels. She visits her sister in Pennsylvania, and her brother in Utah, her home state. She takes cruises, and vacations to other continents.
She still does the daily crossword. She took up the ukulele this year, more or less because it seemed like an interesting thing to do.
I am constantly inspired by the things she does for herself and others.
Reports are that she and the Adelines did a bang up job at their concert Saturday.
Brava, Peggy!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Where's My Doggone Mooseburger, Sarah?
Governor Palin-- May I call you Sarah? You winked at me last night, and youbetcha, you looked at me like you want to be my best friend, so I assume we can be on a first name basis. Anyway, Sarah, I just want to give you your props for the debate last night.
Once again, you did a really great job speaking to the camera. You've definitely got that whole macking with the camera thing down.
You did a stellar job managing the massive amount of information you were shoveled from your handlers. You are a regurgitater extraordinaire. And how giddy you seem by the fact that 84% of those watching you thought you did better than expected. But since the bar was set so low for you, I hope you realize the embarrassment those numbers represent.
The degree of hopelessness in our nation is so prevalent, that we've left the bar on the floor. It's as if we cannot even dare to put forth a kernel of expectation that the woman who has been stationed as a prospective leader-in-waiting could actually generate hope for the future of our nation. We collectively left the bar on the floor for you, Sarah. All you had to do was step over it, and yet, it feels like you barely did that.
I was STILL holding out some little tiny inkling of a hope that you would say something that would show that you DO know how to handle yourself in the national arena. I'm going to stop holding my breath on that count.
I've begun to realize that the best way to view your attempts to win my affection is to do so as if you are Sarah Palin-doing-Tina-Fey-doing-Sarah-Palin. It's just less painful to think of you as the parody's parody. Otherwise, I am forced to believe that you really want to win me over using your mean-spirited, sarcastic, and condescending tactics. While I may not be this century's Einstein, neither am I the village idiot. You've now asked me twice to place my faith in the leadership of a McCain-Palin ticket, and yet, you have done absolutely nothing to prove yourself worthy of my vote.
You seem energized since the debate. A little more sure of your steps, and I wonder why. You did a great job of reciting the party line, no doubt. But you were debating someone who has also read the play book, and gosh darn it, has even been on the field, and plays as if he knows that the stakes are serious. Joe Biden was so extremely gracious to you, Sarah. And I don't even think you realize it. He could have cleaned his cleats with you, but he showed you grace and mercy instead.
The greatest thing you could do for your country right now Sarah, would be to admit to yourself and our nation that you're not ready for the race which has been set before you.
Be gracious to our nation, Sarah Palin.
Once again, you did a really great job speaking to the camera. You've definitely got that whole macking with the camera thing down.
You did a stellar job managing the massive amount of information you were shoveled from your handlers. You are a regurgitater extraordinaire. And how giddy you seem by the fact that 84% of those watching you thought you did better than expected. But since the bar was set so low for you, I hope you realize the embarrassment those numbers represent.
The degree of hopelessness in our nation is so prevalent, that we've left the bar on the floor. It's as if we cannot even dare to put forth a kernel of expectation that the woman who has been stationed as a prospective leader-in-waiting could actually generate hope for the future of our nation. We collectively left the bar on the floor for you, Sarah. All you had to do was step over it, and yet, it feels like you barely did that.
I was STILL holding out some little tiny inkling of a hope that you would say something that would show that you DO know how to handle yourself in the national arena. I'm going to stop holding my breath on that count.
I've begun to realize that the best way to view your attempts to win my affection is to do so as if you are Sarah Palin-doing-Tina-Fey-doing-Sarah-Palin. It's just less painful to think of you as the parody's parody. Otherwise, I am forced to believe that you really want to win me over using your mean-spirited, sarcastic, and condescending tactics. While I may not be this century's Einstein, neither am I the village idiot. You've now asked me twice to place my faith in the leadership of a McCain-Palin ticket, and yet, you have done absolutely nothing to prove yourself worthy of my vote.
You seem energized since the debate. A little more sure of your steps, and I wonder why. You did a great job of reciting the party line, no doubt. But you were debating someone who has also read the play book, and gosh darn it, has even been on the field, and plays as if he knows that the stakes are serious. Joe Biden was so extremely gracious to you, Sarah. And I don't even think you realize it. He could have cleaned his cleats with you, but he showed you grace and mercy instead.
The greatest thing you could do for your country right now Sarah, would be to admit to yourself and our nation that you're not ready for the race which has been set before you.
Be gracious to our nation, Sarah Palin.
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