Okay, okay... So, I've obviously been on hiatus from the blog, but not by design. I have appreciated the phone calls (Chellie, Aunt Mari, Steve) checking to ensure my health and well-being. And I have appreciated the emails (too many to mention by name) with tidbits and queries as to when I was going to post again.
More or less, I have just been so busy living and enjoying things, I haven't had time to write.
It started with the election. While some of the local, regional, and state skirmishes did not turn out as I had hoped, I was beyond elated to see Barack Obama win the election. At the risk of sounding like his wife Michelle, let me say: I am proud of my country. We have not only elected a great and visionary leader, whe have elected a man who is going to encourage, and even expect, us all to live up to our individual and collective responsibilities in this democracy.
I believe we are now on the verge of seeing our nation positively transformed. If you have not checked out the Obama transition
website, be sure you do. I have been receiving emails with Obama's weekly 'radio' address. This is an amazing and unprecedented time to be a part of our democracy. I hope you all will find a way to be a part.
Yesterday, I spoke with our travel agent to make some minor changes to our trip to Washington for the inauguration. I am beyond words at the prospect of being in our nation's capitol on such an auspicious and historic day.
Post election, I have been busy with the kids-- Jesse, who turned 16 on November 11th, and Katie, who had her party last night in celebration of her 17th birthday on the 26th.

I can't believe I am the mother of children that old. As my kids would say, "WTF??"