It's their song. It was the theme of their wedding.
Saturday night, my good friend Sharie married her high school sweetheart, Robert. It only took them a quarter century to finally meet back up and tie the knot. "Yep, I credit Google as our dating service," Sharie joked over supper at The Vintage in downtown Redding, saying that a couple years back, her curiosity got the better of her and she 'googled' Robert on the internet.
The rest is now history.
On Saturday, at a small, intimate affair inside the back room of The Vintage, Robert and Sharie pledged their love to one another, with Doug Patten, Assistant County Clerk presiding over the ceremony, and a few other friends attending: Chuck and Jennifer Layton, Mel Howard, Robin Whitted-Patten, and Jon and myself.
(for those of you mentioned above, know that I am completely sweating the order of the names listed. I blame Sharie for my paranoia!)
Props to Janice, of The Vintage, for making the event special, and memorable, with trademark Vintage entrees, and an amazing selection of wines.
The restaurant is definitely one of the few places in town that gets it right when it comes to creating a pleasing mix of food, fixtures, and ambiance.
Best wishes to the happy couple!
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