Saturday, December 26, 2015

Resolved: No Resolutions for 2016

I had an opportunity this year to come away from a hypnosis session with Brian Srotananda with a weight loss tip that has translated into virtually every aspect of my life.  He's on Facebook, based out of Chico, CA.  Go find this amazing soul. If for no other reason than to follow his cute face, his darling daughter, Jilli, their pet, Bun-Bun, and all their life shenanigans.  But trust me, he can help you unleash some amazing things inside yourself, as well.

I initially went to him as part of my ongoing pursuit of health and weightloss.  The hypnosis session focused in part around implanting positive messages in my subconscious that would improve my thought processes around food and a healthy lifestyle.  

I went to Brian with a list of ideas of things I wanted my subconscious to promote in my daily living.  One of those items was, "I will write down what I eat before I eat it."  It was a resolution of sorts, just on a meal-to-meal basis.  

What Brian did with that was tweak it into a real-time operation, making it, "I write down what I eat before I eat it."

It may seem like mere semantics to some, but what this did was turn my desire, my altruism, my good intentions, my resolution, into an actual, demonstrable act.  I DO this thing.  It's not that I want to do this thing, or that I hope to do this thing, or that I resolve to do this thing, or that I hope I have enough time to do this thing, or that I wish I had enough discipline to do this thing, I DO IT.

I've always been a 'resolution' girl.  Part of it is probably that my birthday is the last day of the year.  I tend to be in a very reflective mood anyway, contemplating all that the prior birth and calendar year was and wasn't, and what I want to make different out of the coming 365 or 366 days.  

What I have determined for myself this year is that it's less about resolutions, and more about an ambitious 'To-Do' list.  It's not that I 'resolve' to (hope, pray, believe, or otherwise passively seek) change.  It's that this shit is just gonna get DONE.  

Anyone who knows me very well, knows that in everyday life, I am all about breaking every problem, task, or opportunity down into 'doable' chunks, and then just getting the job done.  I am now committed, due to Brian's tweaking of my philosphy, to changing the behaviors, and applying those changed behaviors to my To-Do list.

For example, I have health goals for the year:

Lose 30 more pounds.  

My to-do for this does not relate to pounds at all.  

In 2016, I work out at least 150 hours.  I DO IT.

In 2016, I eat a low-carb, meatless diet.  (I know this isn't everyone's gig, but it works for me.  This is key-- find stuff that works for YOU!)

By doing these two things, the weight will come off.  It's not that strive to do them, not that I hope to do them, not that I pray someone, or some thing will spur me on to do them.  I JUST DO THEM.  The same way I shower every day, pay bills every month, pay taxes every quarter, these things are added to the list of things that JUST GET DONE.

I have business goals for the year.

Meet all my business and personal expenses for the year as efficiently as possible.  

I can do this if I book 500 premium massages for the year.  I just do it.  I do enough advertising and outreach to make that number happen.  

I write three more books.  

This works out to about 250,000 words.  

While this may seem insurmountable to some, I realized a couple weeks ago, that this number breaks down to about 5,000 words a week.  For anyone who follows me on Facebook, it's pretty easy to see that I write almost that much every week just fooling around on Facebook alone.  I will be channeling the focus differently, so that there is less 'facebookiness', and more birthing of my 'word babies'.  Very simple transition.  Done.  

My untitled diet and exercise book utilizes this philosophy a lot.  Figure out what combination of activities, sensible eating, and behavioral changes will result in your weight loss goal, and then just DO them.  

I resolve not to get lost in the ambiguity of resolution this year.  I AM JUST ON MY WAY TO GETTING THE JOB(S) DONE. 

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