Sunday, July 27, 2008

Aaahhhhh... Love

So, last night I was at the wedding of Brandy George and Andy Isola. It was a large, lovely affair. The bride was beautiful. The groom, handsome by any standard. Love was definitely in the air...

And then there was our table. I had trouble determining if we had all been seated at the same table-- at the rear of the room-- because we all knew one another, or because the bride and groom were seeking containment. Hmmm... After all the lovely banter and antics, I lean toward the latter.

It was funny the way half the table was trying to take personal credit for the love match between the bride and groom. The priest said, "[my former boss] is the one who told Brandy to go to Carnegie's that night!"

I countered, "I was THERE at Carnegie's and when I left early, before Andy's arrival, I had already been thinking I should arrange for the two of them to meet."

My husband offered up, "Well, I was the one who ACTUALLY introduced them!"

Then there was the tapping of the glasses. Apparently it's some custom for the bride and groom to kiss whenever someone taps a glass with silverware. What made this funny to us-- and most assuredly annoying to the bride-- is that she's a shy, reserved woman. I would sincerely doubt that Brandy and Andy have shown as much PDA in the entire rest of their relationship as they did last night.

At the point where I advised my table mates that maybe we should let them off the hook, a friend of mine, who has been married more than 20 years, said, "Oh, we're not really being assholes, we're just teaching the bride and groom how to be flexible in marriage!"

Hmmm... interesting take.

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