Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Not Our Finest Moment

I was stunned to read this piece in the local paper this week.

First of all, if I could meet Desiree, I would give her a hug. It took courage to share her experience, a kind of courage that clearly is lacking in some of those who give in our community.

I think various comments on the site have covered some of the basic etiquette issues, so I won't beat a dead horse, or a long-expired box of pistachio pudding mix, either.

I can't stop thinking about what Desiree's experience says about us all. When did we all lose sight of doing good works just for goodness' sake?

It doesn't matter whether you believe the Bible-- "Do all things as unto the Lord"-- or whether you're more comfortable with a more secular version of The Golden Rule-- "Treat others as you wish to be treated." Either way, clearly our community is missing the mark in some ways.

I'm a guilty as anyone. I have a lot of things to accomplish, places to be, and people to tend to. I find myself sometimes cutting so many corners that I create a whirling dervish in my wake. I haven't been thinking much about resolutions for the coming year, but one I think that I am going to demand of myself is this:

Do more things that matter. Do more things that are good. Do those things with a spirit of excellence.

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