Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Item to Talk About...

Yes, yes, I'll get to catching everyone up on the DC trip, but first...

A student at Foothill High School took his own life last Thursday. A former co-worker mentioned it to me, but had few details. I have been unable to confirm a name, therefore won't print it.

I know that it's standard newspaper policy not to report on suicides. I get the notion that we don't want to collectively glamorize such tragedies. However, I think this is growing to be something of an antiquated notion. Twenty years ago and more, when the media outlets were largely the only way we received news, this made sense.

But now, people-- kids especially-- are texting, phoning, tweetering, MySpacing, Facebooking, blogging, and otherwise discussing these current events when they happen. We owe it to ourselves, and especially our youth, to be having open dialogue about these tragedies when they occur.

By remaining silent, we are communicating to our teens that suicide is an acceptable solution to life's pressures and challenges. By remaining silent, we are quietly communicating that the emotional wreckage that suicide leaves behind for grieving families is okay.

These things are NOT OKAY.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem or challenge.

I urge readers to keep an eye on kids, neighbors, loved ones. Be a friend to others. Take action if you see someone in your sphere of influence exhibiting signs of depression or warning indications of suicide.

If you know the family who lost this child, find some kind way to show them that they are on your mind. Help affirm for them their child's life.


Darcie said...

I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.

jered said...

On my facebook page, I thought this was a pretty poignant response from a Texas friend of mine to my discussion about this very thing:

There is still a lot of stigma attached to depression and mental illness in general. No one is just going to hear about a suicide and think "Wow, what a great idea, never thought of that before." It needs to be talked about. Anyone feeling suicidal needs to know that they are not the only ones who feel that way and there is treatment for it.