My phone rang en route to work. I saw on the caller ID that it was my dad. I panicked. He never calls me before 8 a.m. Before I even answered the phone, I was already looking for a place to turn around, sure that I was going to be tending to some unexpected emergency. Turns out, he was just calling to wish me a happy birthday. I should probably just be a little more caffeinated before I start answering the phone.
I, and my co-worker Kevin, were surprised in the afternoon with cake, cards, and whatnot. Some of it was even Obama-related. And I helped Kevin determine definitively that 40 is, in fact, less than 52. We're all very clear on that now. :-)
In the afternoon, Jon, the kids, and I went to Casa Ramos for an early meal before we went to see Will Smith in Seven Pounds. Great movie!
Here's a little video clip from our dining adventure:
Yep, the camera also takes videos. The whole thing fits in the length of my small hand. Technology is amazing! Clearly, my skill at using it still needs some work.
After the movies, Katie-- er, I mean Katy, as she now prefers to be called-- gave me a soft, warm, lovely throw blanket that I may not remove myself from until springtime comes.
When I finally found my way home after dropping Katy off with her boyfriend, etc., I was seranaded by my son for my birthday, with a song he wrote just for his dear ol' mom:
I know the audio is bad, but the words go something like this:
Happy Birthday to you Mom
Happy Birthday MomThanks for all that you've given melike a roof overhead where the rent is free.Thanks for loving me so unconditionally.I cannot repay all that you've done for me.Free admission is pretty hard to beat.Yeah, you gave me life and food to eat,and money to buy useless things.So in return I wrote you this song, just to let you know that you are the bomb.Yes you are the bomb, and I love you mom.I don't think that life really gets any better than resting in the contentment that comes from being with loved ones.
Happy Birthday, Susanne. You have many admirers.
40? My goodness, you're just a pup! Happy, happy, happy birthday, Susanne. May all your wishes come true.
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