Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm a Cart Watcher

So, while waiting to get out of the Super Center in Anderson, I took up residence in what I mistook for the speedy express. Mindful that I was wearing a shirt with my workplace logo, I did my best to not seem completely impatient. I glanced at the magazines. I computed calories for decadent snacks. I calculated how many days until Obama is President of the United States of America (138).

That being done, I began observing other people’s carts. The gentleman in front of me was wearing a fluorescent yellow road worker-type shirt, well-worn Levi’s, and work boots. He looked about 60, but I suspect he was more like a rode-hard-put-away-wet 50. In his cart: a bouquet of flowers, a jar candle, a case of Busch beer, four sticks of hot beef jerky, a jar of nacho cheese, nose hair clippers, and cheap cologne.

Points for the flowers. It’s a toss up as to whether he’ll score.

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