Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mounting Obama Madness

So... in eleven days, we will have a new president. In six days, the Lewis/Baremore clan will begin its pilgrimage to the nation's capitol to witness the event. I am REALLY getting excited. In addition to the historic moment at hand, our niece, Jessica Lewis, will also be back there, as will some of Katie and Jesse's U-Prep classmates. And 2-5 MILLION potential new friends. Can't wait for the good times to start!

AND... we now have tickets to an Eddie from Ohio show out in Virginia somewhere on the 18th.

Sometimes, I am just overwhelmed at how great this life is.


J Rabbit said...

Ok, so what are you doing during the swearing in and parade? Were you able to get tickets? We couldn't so we'll be out on the mall.

Now we're trying to get tickets to the Youth Ball.

Darcie said...

Wow, can't wait to hear about your trip!