Thursday, September 9, 2010

"And then HE said..."

I should be reading through the Gemmill Thin Project Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement right now. At least some of the reasons why I can’t quite get excited about diving into that should be fairly obvious. The piper will be paid in full tonight, I suppose.

Less apparent motives include a mind that wanders to the conversation I had this morning with a friend, and the conversation I’m trying not to overhear in a coffee shop right now. This morning’s conversation was about my friend’s inability to get his former girlfriend to accept closure to their relationship. Painful stuff for all involved. The current conversation I’m trying to ignore (but failing, due to the volume and exuberance of the speaker) is about how the cheating boy continues to do her wrong.

Big, fat sigh. Why can’t people be nicer, kinder, more honest with one another? Why can’t motives and agendas just give way to two human beings pleasantly spending time with one another for nothing more than the enjoyment of each other’s company? A good conversation, a shared interest, an evening of fun companionship, these things seem to be something of a lost art.

Perhaps I am naïve in thinking that things could be so simple. Lord knows I’m not the most successful person when it comes to relationships. It makes me grateful for this place in life I am now, absolved of even being able to take the risk.

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